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Essay on Clean India Green India

Clean India Green India is a movement initiated by the Indian government to promote cleanliness and sustainability.

The campaign aims to create a cleaner and greener environment in the country by encouraging people to adopt clean and sustainable practices.

This concept focuses on the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene to improve the quality of life and preserve the planet’s natural resources.

This initiative highlights the need for everyone to contribute to a clean and green India.

In this essay, we will discuss the significance of the Clean India Green India movement and how we can make our country cleaner and greener.

Clean India Green India

10 Liner essay on Clean India Green India

1. Clean India Green India means keeping our country clean and pollution-free by planting more trees and cleaning our surroundings.

2. We can do our part by throwing garbage in the dustbin and not on the roads or in rivers.

3. Planting trees is important because they produce oxygen and help in keeping the air clean.

4. We can also save water by not wasting it and using it wisely.

5. The government has launched many campaigns like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to promote cleanliness and greenery in India.

6. We should keep our homes and schools clean and make sure to not litter in public places.

7. We should try to use eco-friendly products and reduce the use of plastic to help keep our environment clean and healthy.

8. We should also educate others about the importance of cleanliness and greenery.

9. By doing these things, we can all contribute towards a Clean India Green India and make our country a better place to live in.

10. Let’s all work together towards this goal and make India a beautiful and clean place for generations to come.

Clean India Green India Essay in English for School Students (150 Words)

India is a beautiful country, full of different cultures, traditions, and diverse wildlife.

However, sadly, it is also known for its pollution, which harms humans, animals, and plants.

To tackle this problem, the government launched a program called ‘Clean India Green India.’

This program aims to make India a cleaner and greener country by educating people about the importance of keeping the environment clean and taking small steps towards it.

It encourages people to stop littering, plant trees, and conserve water.

If we all work together and follow this program, we can make India a better place to live.

We can enjoy clean air, water, and surroundings.

We can also preserve the environment for future generations.

So, let us take action and do our part to make India cleaner and greener.

We can start by not throwing litter on the ground, using public transportation, and planting trees.

Remember, small steps can make a big difference.

Essay on Clean India Green India in English for School Students (250 Words)

India is a beautiful country, full of diverse cultures, traditions, and people.

However, the country is also facing a big challenge of pollution and littering.

People are throwing garbage everywhere, and the streets are dirty and polluted.

This is why the government of India started the Clean India Mission, also known as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, to promote cleanliness and hygiene in the country.

Clean India Green India is a campaign to make India clean and green.

It promotes eco-friendly products and encourages people to plant more trees.

The campaign also emphasizes the importance of waste segregation and recycling.

By keeping India clean, we can create a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.

We must start by keeping our homes, schools, and communities clean.

We can do this by throwing trash in the dustbin, regularly cleaning our surroundings, and using eco-friendly products.

Planting trees is also important to the Clean India Green India campaign.

Trees provide us with oxygen, clean air, and shade.

They also help to reduce pollution and keep the environment cool.

Therefore, we should plant more trees in our communities and encourage others to do the same.

In conclusion, Clean India Green India is a movement that encourages people to keep their surroundings clean and green.

By doing so, we can create a healthy and beautiful country for ourselves and the future generations.

We must all take responsibility for keeping our environment clean and promoting a culture of cleanliness and hygiene in our communities.

Essay on Clean India Green India in English for School Students (500 Words)

India is a beautiful country with a diverse culture and tradition.

However, it is facing a big challenge of pollution and littering.

To combat this issue, the government of India launched a national campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission.

The campaign aims to promote cleanliness and hygiene across the country, called Clean India Green India.

This essay will explore the importance of the campaign, the measures taken, and how we can contribute to making India a cleaner and greener country.

What is Clean India Green India?

Clean India Green India is a movement that aims to create a cleaner and greener environment in India.

The campaign promotes using eco-friendly products, waste segregation, recycling, and planting more trees.

The campaign’s mission is to encourage people to take responsibility for their surroundings and keep them clean and green.


Cleanliness and hygiene are essential for a healthy and happy life.

A clean environment benefits not only our physical health but also our mental well-being.

A clean environment can improve our mood and reduce stress levels.

A green environment, on the other hand, provides us with fresh air and shade and reduces pollution levels.

Therefore, the Clean India Green India campaign is crucial for improving our health and the environment.

Measures Taken

The Clean India Green India campaign has taken several measures to achieve its goal.

The first step was to create awareness among people about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.

The government of India launched a massive awareness campaign that included television commercials, print ads, and social media posts.

The campaign also involved celebrities and influencers who supported the cause and encouraged people to keep their surroundings clean.

The second step was to provide adequate facilities to people to maintain cleanliness.

The government of India constructed public toilets, dustbins, and waste management plants.

The campaign also focused on waste segregation and recycling to reduce the amount of waste generated.

The third step was to encourage people to use eco-friendly products.

The campaign highlighted the harmful effects of using plastic products and encouraged people to use biodegradable and reusable products.

The campaign also promoted using renewable energy sources like solar energy and wind energy.

How Can We Contribute?

We can all contribute to the Clean India Green India campaign by taking small steps in our daily lives.

We can start by keeping our homes, schools, and communities clean.

Littering should be avoided and our trash to be thrown in the dustbin.

We should also clean our surroundings regularly.

We can also contribute to the campaign by planting more trees.

Trees provide us with oxygen, clean air, and shade.

They also help to reduce pollution and keep the environment cool.

Therefore, we should plant more trees in our communities and encourage others to do the same.


Clean India Green India is a fantastic movement that promotes cleanliness and hygiene in the country.

It reminds us to take responsibility for our surroundings and keep them clean and green.

By doing so, we can create a healthier and more beautiful environment for ourselves and future generations.

Let us all join hands and make India a cleaner and greener country.

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