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How to Write a Resolution of a Meeting | Top 10 Tips

Writing a resolution is an essential part of any meeting.

It is the official document that records the decisions made during the meeting and provides a clear plan of action.

A well-written resolution can help ensure that the meeting’s objectives are met, and that everyone is on the same page moving forward.

In this article, we’ll explore the top ten tips for writing a resolution for a meeting, with practical examples to help guide you.

How to Write a Resolution of a Meeting | Top 10 Tips

writing meeting resolution

1. Start with a clear and concise statement of purpose

The first step in writing a resolution is to state the purpose of the meeting clearly.

This should be a brief and concise statement that outlines the main objectives of the meeting.

Ensure that this statement is unambiguous so that everyone understands the purpose of the meeting.


“Resolved, that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss and develop a plan of action to increase sales revenue for the upcoming fiscal year.”

2. List the key issues or topics

Once the purpose of the meeting has been established, the next step is to list the key issues or topics discussed.

This should be a clear and concise summary of the main topics covered during the meeting.


“Resolved, that the following topics were discussed during the meeting: increasing sales revenue, developing new marketing strategies, and improving customer retention.”

3. Provide a clear plan of action

After listing the key issues or topics, it is important to provide a clear action plan.

This should outline the specific steps that will be taken to achieve the objectives of the meeting.

Make sure that the plan of action is realistic and achievable.


“Resolved, that the following plan of action will be implemented: develop a new marketing campaign targeting key demographics, offer incentives for repeat customers, and increase outreach to potential new clients through targeted advertising.”

4. Use clear and concise language in your resolution

It is important to use clear and concise language when writing a resolution.

Avoid using technical terms or jargon that may be unfamiliar to some meeting members.

Use simple language that is easy to understand and clearly communicates the decisions made.


“Resolved, that the marketing team will develop a new campaign targeting key demographics in order to increase sales revenue.”

5. Include relevant details and information in the resolution

Finally, it is important to include relevant details and information in the resolution.

This can include dates, times, locations of meetings, the names of those who were present, and any other relevant details.


“Resolved, that the plan of action outlined in this resolution will be implemented beginning on July 1, 2023, and that progress will be reviewed at the next quarterly meeting. Those present at the meeting included John Smith, Jane Doe, and Sarah Johnson.”

6. Be specific and detailed when outlining action items

One of the most important parts of a resolution is outlining the specific action items that will be taken to achieve the meeting’s objectives.

Ensure that these action items are specific and detailed and clearly communicate the steps that will be taken.

Avoid using vague language or generalizations that may be difficult to interpret.


“Resolved, that the marketing team will develop a new campaign targeting key demographics by utilizing social media advertising, sponsored content, and targeted email marketing.”

7. Use active voice to increase clarity and readability

Active voice is generally easier to read and understand than passive voice.

Make sure to use active voice when writing your resolution, as it will help to increase clarity and readability.

In addition, an active voice can help to create a sense of urgency and importance.


“Resolved, that the sales team will contact all existing customers by phone to offer incentives for repeat business.”

8. Include measurable goals and objectives

When outlining the action items in your resolution, include measurable goals and objectives.

This will help ensure that progress can be tracked and measured and the meeting’s objectives are achieved.

Make sure that these goals and objectives are specific and achievable.


“Resolved, that the marketing team will increase sales revenue by 15% within the next fiscal year by implementing the new marketing campaign and tracking progress monthly.”

9. Be diplomatic and inclusive in your language

When writing a resolution, it is important to be diplomatic and inclusive in your language.

Make sure to avoid divisive or exclusionary language, and try to use language that promotes unity and collaboration.

This can help to ensure that everyone is on board with the resolution and that it is implemented successfully.


“Resolved, that all members of the sales and marketing teams will work collaboratively to implement the new marketing campaign and achieve the goals outlined in this resolution.”

10. Proofread and edit your resolution carefully

Finally, it is important to proofread and edit your resolution carefully.

Ensure that the language is clear and concise and that there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

This will help ensure the resolution is taken seriously and implemented successfully.


“Resolved, that the marketing team will proofread and edit the new marketing campaign materials carefully before they are distributed to ensure accuracy and clarity.”


Writing a resolution is an important part of any meeting.

Following these top five tips ensures that your resolution is clear, concise, and effective.

With these tips and practical examples in mind, you’ll be well on your way to writing effective resolutions for your meetings.

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