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Speech on Republic Day (26 January) for Students & Children

Republic Day is a momentous occasion for every Indian, as it marks the day when our country’s Constitution came into effect and India became a republic.

It is a day when we celebrate our unity in diversity and reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy, equality, and freedom.

The Republic Day celebrations are marked by parades, cultural events, and the unfurling of the national flag.

This day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress and achievements of our nation, pay tribute to our freedom fighters, and renew our pledge to contribute towards the growth and development of our country.

In this speech, we will explore the significance of Republic Day and delve deeper into the values that underpin this national celebration.

Short Speech on Republic Day for Students

Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear fellow students,

Today we are celebrating Republic day which is a very important day in our country. This day is celebrated because India had adopted its Constitution on 26th of January, 1950, which is like a set of rules that helps us live together in a fair and just society.

Our constitution is very special because it gives us the freedom to express ourselves, to choose our leaders, and to live our lives the way we want to. It’s what makes us a democratic country.

Every year on Republic Day, the President of India unfurls the Indian flag at Kartavya Path. We have a big parade in the capital city, New Delhi, where we show off our culture and diversity. We also honor our brave soldiers and their sacrifices for our country.

Today, we remember the importance of our constitution and the freedoms and rights it guarantees us. We also think about how we can make our country even better by working together and treating each other with kindness and respect.

So let’s celebrate this special day by spreading love and joy to those around us. Happy Republic Day!

Long Speech on Republic Day for Students

Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear fellow students,

I am honored to stand before you today on the occasion of the 72nd Republic Day of India.

This day is a momentous occasion for every Indian as it marks the day when our country became a republic and the Constitution of India came into effect.

It is a day when we celebrate the unity and diversity of our country and reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of democracy, equality, and freedom.

India’s journey to becoming a republic was a long and arduous one.

It was the result of the tireless efforts of our freedom fighters who fought bravely against the British Raj.

They fought for our freedom and independence, and it was their perseverance and sacrifices that have enabled us to enjoy the fruits of a free and democratic country.

On this day, we remember their courage, sacrifice, and patriotism, and we pay tribute to them.

The Constitution of India, which came into effect on January 26, 1950, is one of the most comprehensive and inclusive constitutions in the world.

It upholds the principles of democracy, equality, and freedom, and guarantees the fundamental rights of every citizen.

The Constitution of India lays down the framework for the governance of our country and provides a strong foundation for the growth and development of our nation.

It is a testament to the vision and foresight of our leaders, who were committed to building a strong and inclusive nation.

The Republic Day parade is an integral part of the celebrations, and it showcases the diversity and cultural richness of our country.

The parade is a reflection of our country’s progress, achievements, and aspirations.

It is a proud moment for every Indian to see the tri-color flag flying high, and to witness the march-past of the armed forces and various cultural groups.

The parade also highlights the achievements of our country in various fields, such as science, technology, and agriculture.

As students, we have a crucial role to play in the development of our country.

We must focus on our studies and acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable us to become responsible and productive citizens.

We must also work towards the betterment of our communities and take up initiatives that will help us create a more just and equitable society.

As the future of our country, it is our responsibility to work towards the growth and development of our nation.

We must also take this day as an opportunity to reflect on the diversity of our country.

India is a land of multiple cultures, languages, and religions. Our diversity is what makes us unique and strong, and we must strive to preserve and celebrate it.

As students, we must pledge to fight against discrimination and work towards creating an inclusive society where every citizen has equal rights and opportunities.

In conclusion, the Republic Day of India is a day of great significance, and it is a day when we celebrate the spirit of India.

We must take this day as an opportunity to renew our commitment to our nation and pledge to contribute towards its growth and development.

We must remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and the courage of our leaders who drafted the Constitution of India.

As students, we have a vital role to play in the development of our country, and we must strive to fulfill our duties and responsibilities as citizens of India.

Jai Hind!

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